Parents or guardians must verify all absences within 48 hours (two school days), preferably the day of the student's absence:
1. By Parent Square respond to the message that was sent out, or email (Email Is Preferred)
2. By a phone call to the Attendance Office at 425.936.2441 before 8:00 AM (voicemail available 24 hours a day). Please leave the following information listed below:
Student's name (spell the last name slowly) and your relationship to the student, most importantly, the reason for the absence. Failure to provide a reason for your student’s absence may result in an unexcused absence.
**Examples of EXCUSED absences: illness, medical appointments, family emergency, religious holiday, school-related field trips, pre-arranged absences
**Examples of UNEXCUSED absences: overslept, missed bus, traffic, homework, forgot something, parent was running late. When verifying an absence, please include the following:
-Student's first and last name
-Date(s) of absence(s)
-Reason for the absence
**Failure to verify an absence within 48 hours (two school days) may result in an unexcused absence. **
- If your student experiences an illness, medical condition, or an accident that leads to an extended absence, please contact your student’s counselor as soon as possible. Parents and guardians are strongly encouraged to schedule medical appointments outside of the school day whenever possible.
-A doctor's note should be obtained when a student misses’ school for extended period due to illness or injury. The doctor's note should be brought to the Attendance Office.