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School Nurse Letter


Health Room Direct Line: (425) 936-2449



My name is Daryl Yao and I am your School Nurse for the 2024-2025 school year. Having previously worked in family medicine, I am very excited to be working with kids again.  I hope that we can work together to make Redmond Middle School a safe and inviting place for your child.

I look forward to speaking with you by phone, voice/text by cell or communicating with you by email. My office number is (425) 936-2812 Ext: 57670. My cell number is (425) 500-6667 and the confidential nurse fax line is (425) 556-9806. My email is Please do not hesitate to email or call if there are any questions.

I am available Monday to Friday during normal school hours.  Please drop by to say hi!


Annual Nurse Alert Form

Please report any health issue your child has that could impact safety and learning.

Complete the Annual Nurse Alert form by:

  • Online: In your student’s Skyward profile 
  • Paper copy: Download and complete a paper copy or,
  • You may also contact me directly by phone or e-mail


Take actions to help manage the spread of coronavirus and keep each other safe.

  • Get vaccinated
  • Get tested if you have COVID-19 symptoms
  • Wash your hands frequently
  • Keep hands away from your face
  • If you feel sick, stay home

For current Lake Washington School District COVID guidance, check the LWSD COVID webpage. Ask for resources around vaccination clinics and testing.

Health Services & Resources

Health Resources can be found on the LWSD Health Resources webpage. The page contains resources about support and assistance in the district and the community. Including vision assistance, health resources, and links to specific health conditions, including life-threatening allergies, asthma, diabetes, dyslexia, eating disorders, health and fitness, and infectious diseases.

Flu Shot Information

Schedule a flu shot for your student and family members.

Here’s how:

  • Seek care from your health care provider
  • Look for upcoming announcements for opportunities on the Lake Washington School District website


If you received a letter from Health Services about immunizations your student needs for school, please make sure your student receives the immunization(s) listed in the letter. Send the immunization record to me or have your health care provider fax the record via the confidential fax. Immunization requirements can be found in the Health Services Immunizations page.


If your child has a LIFE-THREATENING Health Condition (anaphylaxis, diabetes, seizures, asthma, etc.) and/or takes medication please complete and send or fax the needed medical forms at the beginning of the school year. All forms are on the LWSD website in Health Services. All medications, whether self-carry or kept in the nursing office need medical forms completed.

Medication Form

Ask your health provider to complete the Medication Authorization form on the LWSD website in Health Services.

  • Each medication requires its own form.
  • Your health care provider must sign.
  • You must sign the form.
  • This is required for ALL medications.

All medications must be in their original container with a pharmacy label. Emergency medications must be in the building on or before the first day of school. *Check medication expiration dates! Try to get medications that will last the full school year.

Student Health Forms

Resource Information & Links